In our weekly Library Card Series we highlight a selection from our resource library to help introduce the content to our industry partners.

In this week’s Library Card Series post we will be discussing the Ford Foundation’s Cybersecurity Assessment Tool. COVID-19 forced us into using technology more than ever before, elevating the importance of cybersecurity within our society. The most challenging aspect of any new initiative can be knowing where to start, so the Ford Foundation has created this useful, easy to use tool. While initially developed for their grantees, it has been made available to the public and can serve as a good starting point to know where your organization should focus their efforts.

This tool is meant to help organizations:

  • develop a general sense of the maturity of an organization’s cybersecurity program, and
  • identify potential cybersecurity program components to consider adding or improving.

The tool does not provide organizations with:

  • a roadmap for securing the organization against cyberattacks or other misuse of their data or systems,
  • a basis for determining compliance with any legal obligations, or
  • a definitive list of the cybersecurity program components an organization should develop.

To find more valuable resources covering a wide variety of topics, visit the resource section of our website, and check back to our blog every Tuesday for our Library Card Series where we highlight different resources from the library.