Cannabis information sharing & analysis organization
The ISAO understands that enhanced security awareness against all threats will help ensure the resilience of the cannabis industry. We believe that when it comes to security, there is no competition, and it takes collaboration from stakeholders across the industry to ensure that the sector is not perceived as an easy target from criminals across the threat spectrum.
Information sharing organizations are seen as a best practice in most industries as a means of consolidating public and private sector resources, and the Cannabis ISAO aims to provide that same structure and capability to the cannabis industry.
Purpose of an Information Sharing Organization

An Information Sharing and Analysis Organization (ISAO) is a trusted community that actively collaborates to identify and disseminate information about all types of threats, including cybersecurity, physical, and natural disasters. An ISAO gathers data about threat actors and their techniques from various sources including governments, and the private sector. The ISAO then analyzes this data, turns it into useable information, and sends it to its members. Because an ISAO provides relevant, useful information, it effectively becomes a trusted advisor that raises an industry’s resiliency. In addition, ISAOs help raise organizational capacity through training and helping establish industry standards. This graphic from the European Union Agency for Network and Information Security helps show the function of an ISAO.
Our Leadership
Executive Director
Board of Directors
Andy Jabbour– Managing Director, Gate 15 (Founder/President)
Mayya Saab– Executive Director, Faith-Based Information Sharing & Analysis Organization (Secretary/Treasurer)
Terry Blevins– CEO Armaplex Security
Cordell Briggs– VP Advocacy and Cybersecurity, Utilities Technology Council
Christopher Clai– Director Information Security, Green Thumb Industries
Ashley Manning– COO, Innovative Properties Worldwide, Inc.
Ryan Frederick-Stewart– CEO/President, RyOne Inc.