In our weekly Library Card Series we highlight a selection from our resource library to help introduce the content to our industry partners.
In this week’s Library Card Series we’ll take a look Ready Business’ QuakeSmart Toolkit. This blog is meant to serve as an overview for this valuable organizational resource.
Many cannabis organization’s operate within parts of the U.S. which are most prone to earthquakes. Besides following best practices to protect their employees and structures, cannabis owners and operators also need to be concerned with how to manage their heavily regulated products during a natural disaster. Besides going through and making an earthquake plan, all cannabis organizations should familiarize themselves with their state’s disaster relief protocols, like these from the Department of Cannabis Control in California, in order to allow for continuity of operations in the event of a disaster.
While there are certainly varying degrees of earthquake risk in the U.S. as the below indicates, most areas are at least somewhat vulnerable to a potential earthquake. Ready Business recommends a step by step process that goes as follows:
- Identify Your Risk
- Develop A Plan
- Take Action
- Be Recognized and Inspire Others

Ready Business also introduces their QuakeSmart Community Resilience Program and Ready Business Program. These programs recognize organizations who prepare and mitigate actions to protect all people who interact with the organization. The last item Ready Business includes in this section is the benefits of following the QuakeSmart Community Resilience Program, going over similar points to the ones listed above.
Identify Your Risk-
Ready Business provides a checklist assessment is provided to help organizations assess what measures to take when preparing for an earthquake. A planning scenario is also given to show the importance of risk planning.
Develop A Plan-
Here you will find reference guides, examples, and cost estimation sheets to help organizations develop a plan. The plan businesses make should incorporate five different aspects:
- Staff
- Space
- Systems
- Structure
- Service
By implementing measures of risk management to each of these business aspects, organizations and businesses can develop a well thought out plan to prepare for earthquake threats, and any threat for that matter.
Take Action-
Learn the right process to take action and put the new risk management plan into motion. By providing more checklists for the five business aspects spoken on earlier, Ready Business gives tips on the best way to start protecting all business aspects with the newly formed plan.
Be Recognized And Inspire Others-
In the final chapter of the guide, Ready Business speaks about how to be recognized by completing the QuakeSmart Community Resilience Program. They ask each organization to provide feedback on the program to maintain effectiveness. They also provide valuable website resources which can be found here. They also provide extra links and content along with the website resources.

Avoid being at risks to earthquakes. Protect yourself, your business, and your employees by preparing ahead of time and developing plans to stay ready at all times. For additional resources try:
- DRB Toolkit (Use coupon code at checkout: quakesmart)
- FEMA Business Continuity Plan
- 7 Steps to an Earthquake Resilient Business
To find more valuable resources covering a wide variety of topics, visit the resource section of our website, and check back to our blog every Tuesday for our Library Card Series where we highlight different resources from the library.